Of Monsters and Men

Of Monsters and Men

A series of happy coincidences introduced me to the Laneway Festival (or St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival, as it is also known) sometime towards the end of last year. The lineup of artists performing this time around was diverse and brilliant; the fact that Bat for Lashes was also going to...
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First steps with bread: Sally Lunn bread

First steps with bread: Sally Lunn bread

There are few things as primordial and “back to roots” as the act of making bread. Its a very scientific process, with exact measures and proportions for everything that goes in it and it also calls for a certain degree of skill when it comes to kneading the dough to just the right consistency. There’s...
The Gastronomy Manifesto

The Gastronomy Manifesto

I’d like to state the obvious and declare to those who don’t know me that I thoroughly enjoy cooking. Oddly, this does not stem from a love of food (not that I don’t), but from a fixation with process, and the right way of doing things to achieve a defined end result. It isn’t art,...
The Music Manifesto

The Music Manifesto

I don’t think I’m really qualified to write about music, with neither a studied knowledge of the language of music, nor massive experience in a band. The reason it finds a space here is because of the fact that music is a prominent part of my existence, from the eternal search for good music, old...