How to grow avocado
Avocado isn’t something that I’ve grown up with, especially since it wasn’t very freely available here until very recently. It’s still also quite expensive in comparison to local fruits and vegetables, but even since I was re-introduced to its special ability to liven up a salad, I’ve been hooked. There’s one particular time of the...

Perfectly Fluffy Rice: The Absorption Method
One of the first things I had to figure out to cook after I set up the kitchen at home, was rice. Like most other things, I looked up how to do so on the internet and then proceeded to fine tune the process myself, over repeated attempts. I only recently found out that the...

Perfectly firm home set dahi (or yoghurt)
One of the end of day rituals I most clearly remember growing up was the process of mixing and setting a bowl of yoghurt for the next day. I forgot about this little tradition for a while when I started living on my own after graduating and starting my own design practice. Supermarket-bought commercial brands...

First steps with bread: Sally Lunn bread
There are few things as primordial and “back to roots” as the act of making bread. Its a very scientific process, with exact measures and proportions for everything that goes in it and it also calls for a certain degree of skill when it comes to kneading the dough to just the right consistency. There’s...

The Gastronomy Manifesto
I’d like to state the obvious and declare to those who don’t know me that I thoroughly enjoy cooking. Oddly, this does not stem from a love of food (not that I don’t), but from a fixation with process, and the right way of doing things to achieve a defined end result. It isn’t art,...